Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today, I must .......

1. Update this blog - I have come to find that this thing does not write its self!

2. Clean my room at my Eric and Mary's house

3. Do some laundry

4. Strength Train

5. Ride my bike - Gorgeous riding weather!

6. Catch up on blog reading - especially the CDA posts

7. Eat something healthy for lunch

8. Try not to drive my brother and sister-in-law crazy (Not sure this is possible)

What should I do first?

Enjoying the beautiful Pacific Northwest and having fun times with the family. Payton and Marley got a new puppy. She is fun to lug around. Puppies put smiles on everyone's face. Spectathleted at the Moses Lake Tri. Mary, Eric, and Margaret had great races. Our drive here was beautiful, yet mostly uneventful, which is the way I prefer to travel. My leg is almost completely healed, and I am able to put it back to work now.

Hope everyone is having and equally fantastic day/week/month/summer - you name it!


Fe-lady said...

I like the word "spectathelated"! Very clever!
SO jealous of your weather-rode in 85 degrees this a.m. and I am sure you know how hot it is here.
Are you spending all summer up there in the NW?
Glad your leg is getting better too! :-)

mary g said...

That's quite the list. You forgot...attend freezing cold farmer's market! Your room looks great by the way. I will send Marley down to inspect it tomorrow!!! Just kidding. I hope you are relaxing here and all of our running around isn't making you a crazier coug!