About four months ago, I signed up for this tri. I started training with swimming in mid-December, running in February, and did a couple of bike rides here and there. It all had to come together on Sunday morning.
One of the greatest parts of this event was my Friday night suprise. After work, I went to a happy hour with my old school in celebration of our friend's life. Shortly after arriving, my husband arrived to meet me. When I turned around to say hi, my brother and sister-in-law were standing there. They had flown in from Seattle to cheer me on. It was a bit of a suprise, and I cried..... but just a little.
After a very fun (too much happy hour) Friday and a very busy Saturday, I put together my gear bag and double checked my list (okay, I checked it like five times). Mary made me my carbo dinner of a nummy pasta, salad, bread, and a little ice cream for dessert. It was perfect. Going to sleep though, not so perfect.
I tossed and turned all night. During my panic stricken attempt to sleep, I realized that even with my list and the checking it five times, I had forgotten to put on my race numbers. Wouldn't that have been great? I quick grabbed them and threw them in my bag and continued the near panic-attack.
When I got up and got ready, I tried to eat some breakfast, but I could only choke down a banana and a quarter of a bagel. When we got to the race, I set up my transition area and went into the pool area. After some convincing from my cheer squad, I got in the pool for some warm-up. After I warmed up, I realized that I didn't have a timing chip. I started looking around and noticing that no one had timing chips. I ran into Cheryl right before I got in the pool for the swim. I asked her about the chip and she said they didn't chip time. She stood by the pool took pictures and cheered me on. I couldn't ask for a better person to get support and knowledge from. Thanks Cheryl!
I have NO idea how I made it through that swim without losing the little breakfast that I had, but I did. After about 200 yards, I calmed down and realized that I was doing it, and I didn't need to fret over it anymore. I swam the whole 825 yrds without stopping at a very slow but steady pace. I have to remind myself that 8 weeks ago, I couldn't swim 75 yrds without stopping and gasping for breath. My swim time: 26:02. It was close to three minutes faster than my last test, so I'm making progress.
I hate biking. I love the idea and hope that I will soon come to love the bike, but really, I hate biking. I have to ride with a camelback because I can't balance and reach down for a water bottle all while pedaling and not running into things. It is a little scary. I haven't mustered the courage to put my pedals on my bike, so I ride in running shoes. My bike is heavy and too big. Oh, the excuses. It really boils down to - I didn't really train for the bike, and boy did it show! Bike time (including transitions): 1:24:36 - I told you - NO Good on the bike.

Transition to run went a little smoother, mainly because I was done with the bike, but I also realized that I was almost there. Three little miles to go. I had planned on walking the whole run. I did my first brick last week, and my legs were no good for running after this. I started walking out of the transition area, and this lady asked me if it was okay for her to run or if she had to walk. I smiled and told her she could go ahead and run. Her first tri, too?
The run was two nice, flat loops around the mall at the U of A. I walked the first one and by the time I got closer the the start of my second loop, I realized that my legs were feeling pretty good, and decided to run a little. Plus, the extrememly annoying support person at the corner by Old Main gave me so much motivation. Not from her cheers themselves, but in trying to go faster to get away from her ridiculous yelling. I did five or six intervals of two minutes running and one minute walking before heading into the finish. As I approached the finish, I realized that I was feeling pretty good, so I ran it in and smiled for the pic. Run time 58:55 - almost three minutes faster than my last 5k (walking).
Total Time - 2:49:33 - Gotta start somewhere
Hope it turns out good. As I finished, I turned to see that Cheryl was just heading out for her run (she is a fast swimmer, so she gets to swim MUCH later than me. She's fast on the bike and run too).
I got my t-shirt found Aaron, Eric, and Mary and went to watch the last wave of swimmers (super fast). When I was there, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was a friend of mine form school, and two other friends were with her. Plus, the other fifth grade teacher at my school, showed up early, at 6:30 in the morning to watch me swim and bike. I work with a great bunch of people.
After seeing my friends, we all headed down to the finish line to wait for Cheryl and cheer other people on. It was really cool to watch some incredible athletes come in to the finish.

After going home and trying to sleep, we all got cleaned up and headed out to meet Cheryl and her hubby and Jenn and her hubby. Jenn is the best massage therapist in the world, and she ran the Arizona Distance Classic that morning (I think her first 1/2 Marathon).
Thank You to Jenn, Cheryl, Aaron, Eric, Mary, Rochelle, Cass, Tracy, and Bri! It was so great to have your support! Oh, and for the pictures :)
What's Next? A 5K in April, another sprint in May (?), the Moses Lake Tri in June, the Seattle Rock-n-Roll 1/2 Marathon in June, another sprint in July (?), and the Tinfoilman in October. We'll have to see what else comes up. That should help with the whole getting into a trisuit.
And, I almost forgot, I'M A TRIATHLETE!