Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting Personal!

Sorry, but it is time. And by but, I really mean butt. In like, mine hurts.
My friend Bridget likes to claim that she is gifted at "making a short story long." Well, I also posses this gift, at times.
So, here goes. I have just started running again, and I remember now why I hate the first few runs after some time off. The tush, it hurts. All the chaffing..........
And when I ride my bike. Besides all the chaffing, the sits bones, they hurt.
Now, what about the swimming? I don't think my butt actually hurts from swimming. Except for maybe in this way. The chlorine may possibly dry out the skin, and well then, I'll leave it at that.
So, what to do about my butt? I will keep running because the chaffing will become less (and I have to, or I'll get yelled out. See if I ever honestly post about being lazy again). I will keep biking because apparently more time in the saddle will help with that whole issue. And, I will keep swimming because I like being in the water, and I don't want to drown early on in any event. One thing I will try though is this:
When my nieces were babies (They are currently the ripe, old age of 4, 4, and 2), my sister and sister-in-law used this lovely diaper rash cream on their little, tiny tushies. It seemed to help them.
When I was discussing this problem at my sister's baby shower (oh, yeah, I hold nothin back, except for the curse words. What if one of my students gets their hands on this? Just the thought gives me giant goose bumps), Anyway, the girls' Phrama C told me that when she is training, she breaks out he Boudreaux's. So, on my next trip to the store, I'll pick some up and try it out.
I warned you - Short story long! (I may have to make this my new signature)

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, I have found my old, lazy self. It seems that the prospect of having one day off from work last week sent me into lazy overload. I biked a little and swam a little last Thursday, and then, NOTHING, until Tuesday. I did a little strength workout and more nothing.

Today, though, was the day to come back around and get off my big, fat butt and move. After nearly falling asleep in a meeting, I came home from work and did a strength workout. I toyed around with the idea spending the rest of the night curled up on the couch with the excuse of rain outside. But...... I let my conscious get the best of me and headed for the gym where I put in a little over two miles on the treadmill in walk/jog intervals. I'm hoping it was enough to motivate me to get back on track. Now, a little beauty sleep awaits.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Nice, Sunday Stroll

I must confess. This is the first time I have ridden my mountain bike since our Moab trip in April of 2007 (and, really, I didn't ride much there either). Why haven't I ridden my bike? Basically, I've just made excuses for the last year and a half. My favorite is, "There's snakes out there!" Today, though, I had no excuses. Primarily because it is not the time of year for snakes to be out on the trail, and truthfully, because I am tired of making excuses.

Had to dust off the saddle on my little Kona. This is a great bike. A little heavy but so much fun to ride. It does quite a bit of the work.

My main goal today was to get the feel of riding again and stay out of the cactus.

The Cholla is probably the scariest of all cacti. It is so brittle that a slight brush against it will break off a bizillion little pieces. When you try to brush them off, more pieces break apart. Before you know it you are covered in Cholla. The best way to remove them is to use a plastic comb (the kind you get on picture day in elementary school) and pull them away. An even better thing is to avoid them all together.

I am happy to report that I did not have any intimate encounters with cacti, phew!

My hubby took a few pictures of me riding. For one of them, he was hiding in the bushes, and I didn't even see him. He gets mad at me when I don't ride the whoop-de-doos. I ride most of them, but there is one that I just have a mental breakdown with and have to walk. On this one, he thought I was going to walk, so he waited and hid to make sure I rode it. He later told me that I rode the two most difficult ones and walked the easier one. Whatever! I'll get past it someday.

Even though I can't keep up with hubby, and he has to hide in the bushes to make sure I ride the tough stuff. He is a pretty good riding buddy. He encourages me to push harder and he waits for me from time to time.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm Addicted to Fins!

Agggggggh! I love swimming with my fins. I love swimming with them so much that my coach has decided that I need fin rehab.

I don't wanna go to rehab!

Well, I only have to rehab a little, I still get to use them for half of my workout. My guess is that the rehab will progress as I progress. Until then, I will have to figure out a way to grow really long feet. But, only for races. I like my little feet and shoe collection.